Museums, art galleries, archives and archival exhibits play a vital role in cultures around the world, exhibiting and protecting priceless artifacts. The preservation industry has distinct indoor air quality requirements to prevent deterioration in the life of these treasures.
The Problem
Acute attention to the preservation of art and valuable collections includes managing light, temperature, and humidity levels. Just as critical is the control of gaseous contaminants found in the air. Even small amounts of pollutants have a devastating cumulative effect over time.
The Solution

Advanced Odor Control PuraFilter™
This combination molecular and particulate filter integrates Purafil® patented media (SP Blend) into a particulate filter to remove odors and pollutant gases, while providing the same level of particulate control. Our SP Blend enhanced pleated filter offers a low pressure drop for less restricted airflow and better energy efficiency.

The PuraGRID® is a modern new filter design that supplies a large amount of chemical filtration with a minimal amount of pressure drop. This filter offers increased operational performance and energy savings for many indoor applications. The PuraGRID can be constructed with several different chemical medias to tailor the solution to specific needs.

Select CP Blend
A blend of Select and activated carbon media. Removes sulfur oxides and other odorous pollutants from makeup air. Automobiles and other sources of fossil fuel combustion produce these pollutants. Select CP Blend is recommended as a polishing media in odor control and corrosion control applications, eliminating jet and diesel exhaust fumes, kitchen odors, smoke, and outdoor pollution in urban environments.